LCA is distinctively different. From its foundation in 1996 through to the present day, the school has inspired generations of children to immerse themselves in The LCAnian Way to discover their potential and more. The original principles the school was built upon are still relevant today. LCA was designed in such a way that its family atmosphere, its learning culture, and the leadership mindset was heavily ingrained into its learners. Everything done at LCA is purposeful and never done just because. LCA is filled with innovative activities and fun learning experiences that enhanced learning beyond the books and the classroom.

With the pandemic, we have shifted to Distance Learning, which is a mix of virtual classes, BLUs (modules) and the OPL (online platform for learning). This is exciting because we are also now able to accept learners from different parts of the country. Distance is no longer a hindrance. Our enrollment is very straightforward and could be done online.


Gospel-Our school stands for the gospel. The gospel and the empty tomb and the necessity of substitutionary atonement for salvation is what drives us. The gospel is the heart of our excellence. (Philippians 1:27).
Grace-Christians should exhibit grace in relationships. They show forgiveness and they exercise freedom to be different. They are the least judgmental for they know the grace extended to them. (Romans 12:3).
Gratitude-In everything give thanks. (1 Thessalonians 5:18).
Godliness-The closer we get to God, the closer we get to excellence. Excellence is not perfection; it is doing the best we can with what God has given. (1 Corinthians 15:58).
Gentleness-Be kind to one another.
(Colossians 3:12-14).
Glory-Everything we do should have this goal-to glorify God. (John 17:1-5).


LCA encourages students to break out of academic silos and explore new ways of seeing the world. We are known for innovative curricular and co-curricular programs that engage students in real-world topics and in learning by doing. Both in and out of the classroom, we encourage students to ask tough questions and initiate difficult conversations. By pushing the boundaries of not only what, but also how to learn, an LCAnian education empowers students to move beyond information mastery to become inspiring and compassionate contributors to a better world.

The LCAnian education is designed to help learners develop these five competencies:


Learners utilize cross-cultural awareness and emotional intelligence to understand and appreciate differences, privileges, and their connection to others in a global community with integrity and gratitude.


Learners use their imagination, content knowledge, inquiry skills, and passion to wonder, explore ideas, solve problems, and create.


individually to embrace academic and intellectual challenge, using multiple perspectives and evidence to support, challenge, and refine their arguments. They can persuade—using evidence based on sound research—and they can be persuaded to change their minds.


Students effectively articulate their ideas, feelings, and passions through arts and languages, and are proficient in multiple modes of written, oral, artistic, and media communication and presentation


Learners use a growth mindset and reflection to collaborate, courageously engage, and take healthy risks to gain confidence, leadership, and resilience. They are biased toward action, and use their educational and other gifts toward impacting their communities and the world.

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